Learn more about Utah’s wild horse herds.

The Onaqui Catalogue Foundation uses citizen science to collect information about and document the Onaqui wild horses in Utah’s West Desert. They then make this information available to the public. A full pdf catalogue on all documented Onaqui horses is available on their website.

To help control the population of the Onaqui, the Wild Horses of America works directly with the Bureau of Land Management to administer PZP to wild horses in the Onaqui HMA. Their website provides information on PZP inoculations that have been given since 2015 and also provides information on PZP that was given prior to 2015 during BLM gathers:

The Bureau of Land Management is the official government organization responsible for the management of all wild horse herds, including those within the Onaqui Herd Management Area. They are responsible for maintaining a healthy herd both genetically, physically, and behaviorally as well as maintaining a healthy rangeland within those Herd Management Areas.

The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) is a nonprofit organization fighting to ensure the future of America's iconic wild horses and burros and the Western public lands where they roam. We work to reform the cruel and costly federal wild horse and burro roundup program and replace it with humane management that keeps wild horses and burros wild, protected, and free. AWHC manages the largest, humane fertility control program for wild, free-roaming horses in the world.


This site provides some really good information about the numerous wild horse herds in Utah. There are also links to book “Salt Desert Mustangs: Discovering wild horses and historic trails in Tooele County, Utah”.